Wednesday, September 12, 2018

In defense of the video store

It's true that years ago when Blockbusters around the world shut down that I stood up and applauded. Their out of date prices and refusal to look toward the future caused their ultimate demise. We only have one around town now and since it's in West Monroe, I hardly visit it.

The prices are still $5 which is insane seeing as how you can get the same movie at Rebox for a third of the cost, but somehow it continues to limp along.

But I think, if down right, it could rise again.

All the have to do is this:

1) Stock older films

Not everything is being streamed online. At any given time they would have movies that those services don't have. Plus, Redbox has an extremely limited supply of back movies so this would be enough to entice people to come in and look for movies they can't get anywhere else.

2) Lower prices to $2

Sure Redbox is lower but not by that much. If you keep your prices hovered about a couple of bucks you can compete against them.

3) Sell Used DVD's

Easy way to make some extra cash to help profit margins.

Anyway, that's my thought for the day.

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