Saturday, November 02, 2013

Michael Arndt

So last week we were told that Michael Ardnt was taken off Star Wars as a writer and that JJ was replacing him with himself and Lawrence Kasden (who wrote Empire and Jedi)

We were told to be happy about this because it was a great move. Let's think about that for a minute shall we?

First off, something's not adding up. Because when Ardnt WAS the writer the media praised Disney decision. I never heard ONE bad thing about this choice....until Disney removed him. Now we're being told it's a great move. Huh? Why? You told us to be happy with him? Is Disney really fooling everyone into looking the other way?

Obviously, something went down between JJ and Ardnt that JJ didn't like. So for better or worse JJ threw him out and said he'd write it himself. (with Kasden) What made King JJ unhappy I wonder?

Secondly, JJ's a terrible writer when it comes to ending a story. Look at EVERY movie he's written?! I can't think of a single one that he got right at the end?! Now he's in charge of writing Star Wars and I'm supposed to be happy with this? Because if Episode 7 ends with us discovering that Han, Leia and Luke have all been in purgatory this whole time and that the Dark Side is only a smoke monster I'm going to be pissed!

Also, Kasden ALREADY was involved with Star Wars. So I don't know why this is making news again like it's just now breaking. Sure he was involved with Spin-off movies at first but still, what difference does it make?

And finally, the biggest question NO ONE is there even a script yet?! What the frag? They're telling us this movie will be out summer of 2015 but they don't even have a script yet and it's almost closing in on 2013?!?!

I have a bad feeling about this.

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