Saturday, June 16, 2018

The Snowflake Epidemic

From the events from earlier this week I thought I'd address the topic of snowflakes in society today.

The definition (as listed in the Urban Dictionary) of a snowflake is:

A neologistic term used to characterize the young adults of the 2010s as being more prone to taking offense and less resilient than previous generations, or as being too emotionally vulnerable to cope with views that challenge their own.

It's a problem I'm facing on a website I helped start. was a long time dream of mine to create a place where fans could go and discuss and enjoy the Star Wars Expanded Universe without all the silly immaturity that the internet brings. 

Sadly, this site has now been compromised as well with the forced withdrawal of a PICTURE  of conservative speaker Ben Shapiro as shown below. 

Oh yeah...look at that picture...totally offensive. I get it.

This is so stupid.

Needless to say I won't be posting anymore articles to the website and eventually am considering not posting video clips either. I don't want to waste my time dealing with snowflakes.

How ludicrous is it,  that a PICTURE of a man would be offensive? I hate what has happened and regret suggesting the site in the first place.

From now on, all "EU" post will be placed here, where I can control it without caring is a PICUTRE is going to offend anyone or not.


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