Friday, June 08, 2018

Civil War (Review)

I saw this one in my collection when I first bought the boxes of comics but have been saving it until now. I don't really have to tell you the plot since there's a movie about it now that everyone knows. But the comic does a good job as well and focuses on several more characters than the movie had the rights (or time) for.

My favorite issue was She-Hulks because she poked at a key plot hole in the entire run! How is blowing up a school (which is how everything got started in the first place) worse then ANYTHING that's happened in the comics before?! There are countless examples of mass destruction in the Marvel's history that far outweigh the instance they give in the book.

Though it is a good story, its hard to ignore the fact that everyone in the Marvel universe plays the role of the hypocrite one way or the other.

Don't get me wrong, this was a good comic and I do recommend it but you have to overlook that to truly enjoy it.

Have a good weekend folks!

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