Friday, April 28, 2017

May movie preview

Holy cow, have we already reached the end of the month?! Ok, let's do this....

 Alien Covenant

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...well you know. To be honest, I'll probably have to go see this disaster of a film when it comes out because Megan wants to see it so badly. I just hope it's not too long of a movie.

This looks as interesting as the guy from the Roadshow Antique show, talking about a hundred year old shoe. PASS.
 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2

To be honest, I could skip this in theaters but my wife won't let me, so I'll go. I'm sure it'll be fun though. Gunn knows what he's doing when he makes a film.
 Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul

Little secret here...I loved the other three films. I know, shocking right? I never read the series but got board one day and watched the first one, then had to see the others when they came out on rental. This one whoever is a soft re-boot with new characters and I think I can finally say goodbye to this series without watching another one ever again. (though it was nice to see Alicia Sylverstone still getting work after so many years)
Pirates: Dead Men Tell No Tales

I got to be honest, I'm actually looking forward to this movie. After re-watching the series last year I realized it's a lot better than I gave it credit for back in the day. For that reason I welcome this new installment with open arms!

So what others movies did I miss? I'm sure you'll let me know in the comments.

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