Saturday, October 27, 2012

What ever happened to good fan fiction?

It's time once again for my "nerd rant"

Today's topic is the lack of good Star Wars fan fiction these days. As Jerry Seinfield would say "Whaaaat's the deal?"

Back in the day I collected an impressive amount of fan fiction that was well written and didn't always have to involve the main characters to be interesting. But now-a-days fan fiction has gone down the crapper. I seriously found these titles while conducting a recent search:

1) The Luke Side of the Force
2) Boba Babysits
3) Mr Jodo and the Lord of Bounty Hunting
4) The Pilots Who Want Do Anything
5) Crazy About Obiwan

And this is after I typed in "Best Star Wars Fan Fiction" in Google.

It's pathetic. Fan fiction has become either alternate universe (what if) stories or 1st person accounts which I like to call "Dear Diary" fics, which are overdone and awful!

What I'd give to find a group of Star Wars fans who weren't simple-minded CW fans and could write brilliant Star Wars fiction without it having to be "epic"

Years ago I can across a site (that's now defunct) that had an excellent story about stormtroopers hiding deep in the middle of a jungle planet after a failed raid on a Rebel base. The story is about a pilot who returns to the planet to look for this lost platoon and upon discovering them, finds out they're not as "hopeless" as they seem. He ends up joining the troopers for a surprise second raid that catches the Rebels off guard and ends up being a victory for the Empire. There's a lot of detail given to show how resourceful and relentless stormtroopers can be and read like a dark military novel taking place inside the world of Star Wars. Now THAT'S what I'm talking about!

Since November is "Write a book" Month, I think I'm going to give a challenge out to see who can find me some fan fiction worth reading! I may even post a few of the ones I've gathered over the years as well, so stay tuned for that.

Boba Babysits. (sigh)

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