Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Star Wars: The End

Today I was in an all day meeting with my boss and her boss discussing new changes and challenges with our department. That afternoon I received a text from a friend of mine saying Lucas had sold Star Wars to Disney and that they were making more films in 2015.

At first I thought he was an idiot and didn't know what he was talking about. So I ignored his text and went back to my meeting.....then 7 more messages came in.

At break I got my buddy to pull up the news on his phone. I was shell shocked for the rest of the day.

Why would Lucas sell Star Wars?! Seriously, it's makes no sense. And for only 4 billion? Disney will make that money back before Episode 8 comes out!!

It makes ZERO SENSE. I even watched an interview with Lucas today about it and I've got to wonder if he even cares about anything anymore? Sure he hated the fans but NOW?!?

Now I have a giant mouse who controls my future?!

I've spent my life reading the books from the expanded universe. If Disney throws that into the wind then I'm out. I'm done. I will no longer be a Star Wars fan.

Yep, you heard me right. I'm through. If they make over a third of my life and time spent caring about the Star Wars universe a joke, then that's it for me and I have a feeling Hollywood is heading that way.

Who'll direct the new movie? Ron Howard and Steven Speilberg come to mind. But maybe they'll go with (cringe) JJ Abrams!!! My life would be ruined.

What will the stories tell? Would Harrison Ford even come back for another movie? Or will it be set further into the future? Now that Lucas doesn't have his thumb over it all I'm afraid Hollywood's going to run wild over this and it's not going to be pretty when it's all over.

So what does this mean for Dark Horse Comics? Guess they're done making stories once their contract is up. Disney's Marvel will own it after that.

What about the great work from authors such as Timothy Zahn, Kevin J Anderson and others, who've spent countless hours delivering us excellent stories to enjoy. Are we now calling all that "fan fiction" now??

The biggest reason I loved Star Wars was because of it's continuity. The books, the movies and TV shows all reside in the same story line unlike Star Trek where even the movies has contradicted each other.

If they take that away they take away my love for Star Wars as well. I guess now all we can do is wait and see. But one thing's for sure..... I have a bad feeling about this.


Unknown said...

First thing, is I think you're looking at this with the wrong eyes. Yes this could be terrible for star wars, but so could Lucas dying without anyone to rudder the ship. I actually think this is potentially a great step for the franchise. And as much as you love the EU, I think 90% of it is star trek quality garbage. Yuujzen Vong (I know I misspelled it, but whatever, it's a retarded idea that deserves to be stricken from the record). If you haven't yet, read some of the blog postings on the official site, they (finally) reveal that there was in fact, a rough idea for 12 episodes of Star Wars, and that GL himself has handed over his notes for 7,8,9. So they are coming from a more canonical place than any,ANY of the EU. And one mention has Mark Hamil being asked back in 70s if he'd be interested in being an Obi-Wan-like character in Ep 7. I highly doubt we'd see much, if any of the cast from the original trilogy, save for the droids. So I'm excited, really, really, excited.

Unknown said...

God, so much to talk about.

As far as who would direct a new Star Wars movie, I'd say at worst they'd give it to someone who worked on LOST. At best though, ho ho, they have Brad Bird (Incredibles, Mission Impossible:Ghost Protocol, Ratatouille), and Andrew Stanton (John Carter, Wall-E,Finding Nemo) in their stable of directors, and I get giddy. Not to mention Joe Johnston (Rocketeer, Captain America), who actually worked on the OT. Or any of the guys who worked on the awesome Marvel films (Whedon, Favreau).

The only really sad thing I see happening is that Dark Horse, after their contract runs out, will no longer get to make Star Wars comics, and that they will go back to Marvel, which is...just gross to think about.

kidcardco said...

Andrew Stanton wouldn't be so bad. I'm making a more "positive" post this afternoon. Though I disagree with you on the expanded universe issue (New Jedi Order was my favorite series!) I see a little light at the end of the tunnel...a little.

Anonymous said...

Man, I'm with Stevil. I think your spin on this is way off. Remember: LUCAS HATES THE FANS! Most people (not me) think he ruined Star Wars with the prequels. So really: can it get any worse? Disney is not just a mouse. This is a massive empire we're talking about here (ABC, ESPN, Pixar, etc.) They tend to do things well, more than they ruin things. So when Stevil mentions their "stable" of directors (Whedon, Bird, etc.), that's a good thing, but this is DISNEY we're talking about. They could easily hand the reins over to anyone they want! Christopher Nolan, I'm looking at you. Anyway, I think this is a VERY positive step. And anyone who hated the prequels (which is pretty much everyone) should be psyched that Lucas no longer has control.
