Thursday, October 06, 2022

Project Elite Characters ranked

 I love this game. Got to play it a lot on our beach vacation this year. 

So much so, that I decided to rank the characters from the first version of the game from best to last. 

Here we go!

1) Momentum

Nothing beat speed. That's why this guys my #1. he moves twice as fast as anyone else and I love getting around the board faster with him. Sadly, he's EVERYONE'S favorite around the house so I neve get to play him anymore unless it's solo. 
2) Robcart

Getting your own private search box at the end of each round it super powerful. You're always finding more weapons and items to use and improving your game. Great character but he too goes 2nd after Momentum in our games so I never get to play with him either. 
3) Lilla

Now we're getting to the ones I usually can grab. She has a "locked die" token that can lead to some super powerful actions during the game. If given the right weapon she can be deadly. This is one that a lot of people underestimate. But she's great!
4) Caress 

Another one nobody likes but me. But he "sort of" has speed in that whenever he makes a kill he moves one space. So again "speed" is his appeal though it's only off of a certain action taken in the game which is why he's inferior to Momentum. 
5) Bus

By far the most popular character at GenCon when I first played the game. Mainly because being "pushed" by an alien on the board doesn't hurt him, making Runners useless against him. I like Bus but play him every once in a while. (as the same with the next few)
6) Vickie and KS

The only good thing about her is they come as a team and the robot KS, doesn't have to return on the mission. So what you do is leave him to die after he completes whatever mission you're on. Also, if there are search boxes inside the base on the map, then Vickie has a chance to grab upgrades too which is good. Vickie and KS get played frequently in our games based off this reasoning. 
7) Sandra

Megan's FAVORITE character and will play with her every time. Her ability? She can "stop" 6 alien moves per sound. It is a nice ability but in my opinion, one of the least important. Though I'd be lying if I said she didn't come in handy in those missions with her in it!
8) Sandman

The promo character who's not that good. His ability is to put aliens "to sleep" at the end of the round that are around him, thereby not allowing them to move. The only problem is, they can be awakened but a push from another alien and (most likely) hurt you in the process. 

I've only played with this character twice in my whole life, though I will admit, the first time he gave us the win with his special ability. 
9) Sarah

The only character who can heal herself and others in the game. I very good ability and would be helpful in a game but no one wants to be her because they'd rather be someone who can do more damage during the game. I've only played her once I think. Again, she's necessary on a mission but the trick is getting someone to take one for the team and pick her for the mission. 

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