Thursday, September 12, 2019

Old Forgotten Websites (4)

Today let's look back on all those excellent file sharing sites!

It all started with the short lived Napster. Which took off like wildfire only to burn out in under 2 years. But it quickly got usurped by several other sites we all used to use.

I remember the first one to pick up after Napster went down was Kazaa. I also remember that they went down shortly after. I even have a burned cd in my collection titled "The Last CD of Kazaa" signifying the last few songs I was able to get from the site before it was shut down.

Limewire. Probably may favorite of all the ones I used to use back in the day. I downloaded quite the collection of odd music from here. Bands no one's ever heard of, cartoon and tv theme songs as well as children's songs from records I had as a kid.

Sadly, this type of music STILL isn't available to get anywhere else and that's a shame! I kind of miss these sites.

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