Friday, September 20, 2019

App games I wish I could find again

I don't play many app games but here's a few I wish I could find again.

 I had a version of Diner Dash on my iPad years ago which was awesome! I'd play thru the entire game the whole time. The coolest thing about it? All levels were free! Sadly, when I got rid of my iPad I forever lost the game and will probably never find that version again.

To be more specific I remember some of the levels had you on a pirate ship, up in a tree, a submarine and a haunted mansion. I hate that I can't remember what the subtitle was.

 This is not the game shown above but it's was called something like "Bubble Pop" though looking thru the app store that's not it. I had this on my very first cell phone! In the game, you rotated a triangle made up of 3 bubbles and tried to get them to match the colors of others to get them to pop.

I guess now that they have the "newer" versions of the game out there the original is now no where to be found. I remember I kept my old phone and would insert my sim card in it at nights just so I could play the game!
Finally, the last game I remember playing a lot though I don't remember the name was one where you ran you're own amusement park. You'd start by building all the cheap stuff first but instead of buying more coins in their app store to unlock rides quicker, you did things the long way and sat on the game gathering coins the rides would generate from attendees.

Sometimes it'd take you days (or weeks!) to save up for the next ride but it was so satisfying when you got it you didn't mind.

However I lost this game when I bought a knew phone and it didn't transfer over. Much to my disappointment.

Have a good weekend folks!

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