Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Cigarette Burns Review

I remember when the "Masters of Horror" show was playing on Showtime back in the day and when this episode came out EVERYONE was begging me to watch it. At the time Norman Reedus was only known for his work on Boondock Saints (which I loved) so I wanted to see the episode but as years went by I kept forgetting and it was out of sight out of mind for many years until I finally remembered it and gave it a shot.

John Carpenter directed it so I was excited to see it. The story is about a movie that makes you go crazy and kill yourself if you watch it. Not a unique idea these days but back then I'm sure it was a new concept.

The movie is boring. Extremely so.  I wish I could give this one a thumbs up but instead I'll just warn you not to waste your time.

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