Saturday, December 08, 2018

Superman (Movie review)

Got to see this in theaters for its 40th anniversary and it was well worth it. The 1979 movie holds up well in today's standards. Christopher Reeves is STILL the BEST Superman of them all. The key to his success is how different he portrays Clark Kent from Superman.

It's an amazing performance that he actually makes you believe they could be separate people! I've never seen any other actor pull that off.

My favorite scenes in the movies are when Superman drops Lois off at her apartment (after they fly) and then changes into Clark Kent in one continuous shot that last 30 seconds! Incredible!!!

The other happened right after that when Clark takes off his glasses and considers telling Lois his secret but changes his mind and puts the glasses back on. It's excellent due to the performance of Reeves as he completely changes his demeanor to look like another person when in reality, it's only him without glasses on.

Excellent stuff. Well worth my ticket to the movies!

1 comment:

Melton said...

Could NOT agree more about Christopher Reeve. He is the only actor to even TRY to make clark/superman different, and boy does he succeed. Brilliant stuff. It's what made me love superman. Every single actor since is not believable as Clark. Except maybe Tom Welling and that's only because he sucked as Superman and grew up in the show as Clark.