Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Old pics (3)

 Oh man...this is awkward...but yes, we are buck naked in this picture....eating ice cream...just like a regular weekend I have today....but Bray usually gets strawberry now.
 As far as I know, this is the ONLY picture of us at Disney world from way back in the 80's. I didn't even know they'd even taken a photo of us there until I recently found this one at Mom's in a box. Crazy awesome there's a pic of this almost forgotten memory from my childhood!
 Highschool pic as us camping up in Arkansas. I remember this exact day and the trail we hiked on! We each picked out our own walking sticks that day and I went around tapping trees thinking "I'll never remember this trail year from now" BUT I WAS WRONG!
This is a picture with a great story attached to it! I was 6-8 years old and we have a food can drive at our school. Whoever was able to get the most cans donated became King and Queen of the Cans!

I remember going all around the neighbor begging for donations and praying every night to be proclaimed the winner. I used to pray "God, if you make me the King of Cans, I'll NEVER ask for another thing in my entire life!"

Whoa boy. Well, God granted me my prayer and now when I pray to him I still think back at what I said and say "Well God, if you can't answer my current prayer request I know it's fair since you DID make me King for a day."

Wow....really blew that wish didn't I?

Fun fact, the name of the girl who won was Angela King. Ha!

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