Thursday, December 20, 2018

Bone (re-read)

Finally got around to re-reading this comic for the 3rd time. It gets better each time! But you've already heard me talk about this one so let me talk about all the adventures that exist outside of this story.

This is the prequel story that focuses on Grandma Ben when she was younger. It lacks the humor from all the other stories, the artwork isn't that good either. Easily the weakest story out of the bunch.

Besides being a standard handbook, it does come with a short comic that takes place within the main story. Skippable in the long run but glad I got it.

In addition to that is another short comic that takes place after the ending of the story as the Bone's are making their way through the desert. Fun, but nothing much. I'm glad I got this one however because it tells some behind the scenes facts about the making of the story, which was fun to read. Oddly enough, I never knew this existed until AFTER I finished my re-read and thought "I wonder if they've made anything since"

Wallah! They had!

Tall Tells takes place after the main story and is just about Smiley Bone telling kids, stories that take place before and during their adventures in the Valley.

Best reason to get this trade paperback is that it reprints "Stupid Stupid Ray Creatures" A sequel story that's pretty fun to read and plays a small part in the next story I'm talking about.

Years later they made a sequel story in the form of young adult books.
Though not as good as the original story as well as not being a comic book, it does have a few familiar characters and areas enough to keep you interested.

If you love Bone, you should give these a try. In the end I thought they were good.

Sure wish they'd make more stories about this world but from the looks of things, I don't think they will. Sad.

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