Monday, July 15, 2024

Vacation Bible School


Oddly enough I never got to attend as a student as a kid. I was too old the very first time I went to one, so they made me a helper instead and I was one for 4 years until graduating highschool and never looking back. 

I always enjoyed the themes. The first one I ever got to be a part of was the space themed one, which I enjoyed a lot. I remember playing the evil aliens who ran away whenever the kids started quoting scripture. (yep, that happened)

Then they went with the sea theme, which was my least favorite. And the 3rd year was the Olympics which I almost enjoyed as much as the one set in space. 

The final one (it was a 4 year rotation in themes) was an outdoor theme, which I didn't like at first but it grew on me throughout the week. 

Though they don't do this anymore at our church, its still holds fun memories for myself when I was a kid. I'm sure they are several going on right now that kids are enjoying even today. 

What about you? Any of you go to VBS as a kid? Which theme did you enjoy or are there new ones now that I don't know about? 

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