Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Games so bad they went straight to the trash can

I love board games but every once in a while a game is so bad it goes straight to the garbage. Here are the three in my collection that did so and here's why:

 A recent acquisition I received which started this whole idea for the subject. I got this because I saw it was a dice placement game, which is something I generally like. It's so bland, unimaginable and boring, I stripped it for spare parts (dice, coins and counters) and chucked the rest right into the garbage. Horribly boring game. (Money wasted: $1)

 I bought this one because I love auction games and the idea of a dutch auction timer for the game intrigued me. You put these contracts up for bid then set the timer, as it winds down the price becomes cheaper but once someone stops it, they bought it for that amount. How low will you let the timer go and risk the chance of someone snapping it up before you?

I'll never know because the stupid timer broke at the beginning of our 1st game.  Disgusted, I threw it straight in the trash and pulled out another game. (Money wasted $5)

Found this at a flea market and thought it was a great idea for a board game. You move around the board as fuzzy creatures trying to avoid Mashin Max. When we played it the game was broken. I was even more upset when I discovered online that's how most copies of the game were sold. Defective from the start. Chucked it out on the way home. (Money Wasted $1)

At least I didn't waste that much money on this garbage.

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