Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Movie reivew

I remember when this came out in theaters and Megan and I went to see John Wick 2 instead. We were going to watch it the week after but didn't know it was a "special event" and disappeared from theaters the next week.

Now it's n Netflix, so I finally got to see it and was very impressed! VERY heavy in science, this documentary examines key evidence passed over or ignored by many. I found it insightful and delightful at the end to see a familiar face!!

Dr George Grant was the last person he interviewed in the film and all I could think about was our most memorable moment together.

Flashback to my old college days, I was at a summer camp, Dr Grant was one of the speakers and I had an idea for our talent skit on the final night. But I needed him in blue face paint. Paint I promised would come off immediately after the show with no issues.

The only problem was that after the show....it wasn't coming off. While everyone in my skit thought I'd pulled off the greatest prank of the week, I panicked, trying to find a way to get the paint off the good Dr.

And we did it....by reading the instructions. "Rinse off with warm water"

We were using cold water. Dr Grant was extremely grateful for the solution and told that story for years to his colleges  about how a young man almost took away his dignity on the flight home from a speaker gig. LOL

I haven't seen Dr Grant in a few years now but next time I'm up in his neck of the woods in Tennessee I should pop in and say hello....with a peace offering of blue paint. : ) 

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