Monday, April 09, 2012

It's "Game Over" for video game systems

I read an article last week that saddened me. It seems the video game industry has gotten so greedy, that they're deciding to stop making new consoles (or boxed video games) anymore.

Why? Because they hate the used game market. Money that's escaping their already deep pockets, has been driving the video game makers crazy over the past few years. Despite the fact that they make millions of dollars off these games, their greedy eyes want more.

Destroying places 2nd hand game retailers (like Gamestop) and video game rentals they've proven to their loyal customers that they could care less about them.

Coming up with ways to make used games worthless has staled their imaginations for making new games better.

Gone will be the days of the video game. Only downloadable games will be available to us. And all because of greed.


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