Friday, April 13, 2012

Best Super NES games

Time to talk about the good ole SNES!

Mario Kart

Arguably one of the best games ever to come out of the SNES. We were so good at this game growing up, that we would play our friends while hanging upside down from the coffee table... AND STILL WIN!

Ken Griffey Jr Baseball

Being a baseball fan this was the game that had to replace RBI baseball for me. I remember the Home Run Derby being especially fun!

Killer Instinct

I was looking through screenshots trying to determine which one to use. There were SO many I loved! Plus, I wanted to play this game bad after seeing it again!

Zelda: Link to the Past

The BEST Zelda game they ever made! Period.

Super Mario All-Stars

All the Mario games in one game?! It was too good to believe and such a joy to play so many games all on one cartridge!

Super Star Wars (Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi)

Hours of unending entertainment were spent playing these games. All 3 offered fantastic gameplay!

Super Techno Bowl

Just like it's predecessor this game delivered on all levels. I can hear the TD music now...

Super Noah's Ark

Never played it, but it looked a lot like Wolfenstien. If I'd had known it was out there, I definitely would've gotten it by it's bad reputation alone!

Did I miss any others?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love super techno bowl.