Monday, February 19, 2024

The Autopsy of Jane Doe (Review)

 Saw this last month and wanted to post about it. 

I got this movie for Megan and I to watch because by all appearances it looked liked a mystery/thriller but it goes in a different direction and I was pleasantly pleased in the end with what turned out to be a horror movie. 

Go in knowing NOTHING about the film and I think you'll be happy. I originally brought out a deck of cards to start playing when the movie slowed down but after 20 minutes I realized that wasn't going to happen so I put the deck up. 

Engaging the whole way through. Not brilliant, but so pretty good choices were made (and tropes avoided) to make it stand out and be memorable. 

It's also the kind of movie you think about the day after and realize you saw a little more brilliance in the film than when you finished. 

Very good. Worth a watch!

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