Saturday, December 10, 2022

Return of the Santa Bowl?

 A few years ago I had to leave on a business trip and miss the Santa Bowl. I left someone else in charge to run it...and they didn't have it. 

It happened the next year and then after that I had the twins. I miss playing the 2nd weekend of December. The game would've been today if it were still going on.

But once you stop a tradition it's very hard to get it back on. 

I was contacted by someone today asking if we were still holding it and wanting to attend if we were. After a brief discussion I am considering bringing it back once again. It takes a lot of planning (and ALL of my flags, whistles, tees, pumps, cones, etc) that I bought for the annual game went missing a long time ago when someone asked to borrow them, then said they gave them back to me. (which they didn't) So buying all that again would cost a few hundred dollars which is an issue.

Yet still....I do miss this holiday tradition, so we shall see. 

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