Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Terifier (review)

 Heard a lot about it and decided to watch it for Halloween weekend a few weeks ago. The story behind this I believe is that this was a crowdfunded movie that achieved "cult" status over the years and got a sequel just this year. 

The first movie really only has one good scene. It's the one I'm showing above where he's starring at the stars of the movie. 

They do this a few times during the movie. "Art" the clown never speaks but rather stares or smiles at folks. It's a really creepy concept that works.

What doesn't work is the excessive gore. Gore so common in the movie that it really gets old after a while. 

Overall, it's a basics slasher film with a few creepy moments. 

The 2nd one? I'll talk about that tomorrow. 

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