Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Smile (Review)

 My nephews claimed this was the scariest movie they've ever seen. 

It's not. 

By far. 

In fact, it's so generic that it follows the same beats as every other horror movie out there these days. Let me summarize.

1) FEMALE star witnessed someone die at the hands of the entity but doesn't believe her on what's going on. 

2) Weird things start happening to our lead. 

3) She does a deep dive into the murder she witnessed at the beginning to find more clues. 

4) Scary things start happening to our lead. 

5) She is able to establish a pattern for the events 

6) She finds and speaks to the ONLY survivor of these events who made an impossible sacrifice to stay alive, but she refuses to accept its the only way. 

7) Reaching the climax of horror, our lead knows she will die soon but discovers a solution no one has thought about before

8) Final showdown with the entity as she destroys it. 

9) At the end it seems she's found peace only to find out, her plan didn't work, and she dies. 

10) You sit there as the credits roll....if you have less than half a brain you're rooting for a sequel, if you have more than half, you're cussing out the complete waste of time this movie is. 

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