Monday, May 08, 2017

BGG Spring Con Wish List (Part 2)

Ok, I'm re-configuring the list of games I want to play at BGG Con this year.

7) Adrenaline

This game looks right up my ally, but before I spend the $50 price tag, I want to make sure this "shoot and run" style game is for me!

6) Whacky Wit

The game is WAY too expensive to buy ($500) So I'll play it at the Con and that should be goof enough for me.

5) TMNT: Shadows of the Past

I want to like this game, but all the reviews don't look as good. Maybe if I give it a live play I may see something in it enough to buy. 

4) Star Trek Ascendancy

It doesn't appeal to me, but Gale Force Nine does. For that reason alone it's at least worth checking out.

3) Viticulture

A board game about running a vineyard. Totally weird, but the game pulls at me. The reviews don't exactly capture me but perk my interest enough to try it out.

2) Food Chain Magnate

I hear so many good things about this game, I like the theme but the board  and pieces look awful. Hopefully this frog will turn into a prince once I play test it.

1) Star Trek Fleet Captains

This one has my interest, all that needs to happen if for the game to be good. The pieces look nice, the reviews are positive as well I just hope it doesn't disappoint!

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