Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Talk about a game that'll send you back! I can remember almost EVERYTHING about this game! The levels, the creatures, the codes and the weapons. This game was incredible!!

And who remember's playing it online? Blocking up your parents phone lines to play each other... from several blocks away!!! Didn't it blow your mind back then that you were playing with the neighborhood kid down the street and was nowhere near his house?!

You typed messages to your friends over the computer, then when someone picked up the phone line your game froze and you were disconnected. You'd call each other and laugh about what all had happened then get back on again.

What an incredible game! I played it just recently online... too totally awesome to describe!!

And do some of you remember the secret Wolfenstein level that was on it? I freaked out with excitement when I first discovered it.

They don't make'em like they used to that's for sure!

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