Wednesday, July 05, 2023

Survivor UK Season 2 (Review)


Much better than the first season, but still hits far from the mark. 

Again, this was back in 2002 so I can't come down too hard on it. But here's my review. 

Before the contest started it showed them being searched for contraband with a warning that anyone caught with contraband would be replaced IMMEDIATLY by one of 2 people sitting in the room! (wild) 

This time there were only 12 people which made the show a lot shorter. Also, the fans got to cast a vote for the winner at the end which was interesting. 

Exit interviews were handled on a separate show the following night, I couldn't watch any of them but they appear to be sit down episodes for 30 min. 

The F word is allowed on british TV, or was in this case. It's everywhere in the show NOT bleeped out. 

This was a VERY low budget production. Hardly anything was built for the contest. A lost of trivia, bow and arrow, search the island and stand on a log were the challenges you saw. Obviously they didn't want to spend that much on production. 

One of their "twist" was to bring everyone to tribal only to tell them there would be no vote but how the rest of the game would play out for all of them. (merge tribe and fan vote) Weird....and lame. 

Tiebreaker's this season are determined by....trivia. Because they love trivia on this show. And they never tell the contestants what the reward is until after the challenge. 

As for the players? John was dominate in the challenges but lost the final (trivia) one and it ended up losing it to girl who picked the other guy and lost 7-0 in the votes. 

Outstanding. 2 seasons, 2 unanimous decisions.

I know the new season this summer is probably up to date with the times so I look forward to seeing what it's all about.  

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