Friday, March 03, 2023

Top Kickstarters I'm looking forward to in 2023!

 Wow! When the year started I only had one kickstarter left to fund. Now I have 4!

So today, I'm counting down the ones I have coming in 2023. 

This was a late pledge but one I'd been going back and fourth on for quite some time. I finally decided to get it after missing out on an opportunity to grab a new cube shelf from Ikea earlier this year, since they were both around the same price. 

It looks like a better "Big City" A game that's been slowly sinking on my list. What makes this one more attractive is the smart decsions you have to make and the timing of when those descions need to be made. 

It looks like a deluxe edition and the box is HUGE but I've heard good things and like what I see in playthroughs online. This one should come in towards the end of the summer. 

Haven't been a fan of the Dice Tower for a while now. Their reviewers are boring and incomplete and their content has really gone downhill over the years as they've become bigger. But I decided to go ahead and support them on Kickstarter because I'm a completist and this is cheapest way I'll ever be able to get these promos. 

Worth it? Maybe, maybe not. I will say this was the only Kickstarter I backed that came with a warning that the creators of the kickstarter are not responsible for producing said rewards. 

Always a confidence builder when I see that. 

Marvel United S3 was an insta-back for me. I've enjoyed the past two so I had to go all in for the 3rd. Although I will admit it's a very weak wave of characters. 

Outside of Galactus, there's hardly a handful of characters I'm interested in. Hopefully this is finally the last one they do and get this kicked off into DC!

Due out 2 years ago, I'm finally getting it this summer (fingers crossed) I want this one the most so I can show the girls the picture of them as Zombies, they posed for when they were 2 years old! 

I'm not too upset about hte delay. Kerrie (the owner) hasn't been the best at putting these together. They always run over on getting these games delivered. Hopefully this is one I'll be playing before the rest of the Kickstarters come in. 

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