Monday, August 15, 2022

Mayberry RFD (Revew)

 Finished the 3 season spin off of the Andy Griffith show that the average fan knows nothing about!

Howard gets to shine in the series, Emmitt (who only was in the last season of the Andy Griffith Show) also has his character further developed in the series. 

The stars Sam and Millie are very bland and are constantly being outshined by their co-stars like the veteran actor Goober. 

Aunt Bee hangs around for the first 2 seasons but finally decided to retire by the 3rd season, so she was written out of the show for Alice Cooper (not the singer) who comes in as Sam's cousin. 

The show isn't bad. It keeps the Mayberry laid back way of living in stride while acknowledging the changing of the times as they moved into the 70's. Hair and dress styles changed as did guests on the show. (more hippies) But I applaud the series for not being stuck in the past and willing to open up to the changing world around them. 

Sadly, this never got a proper ending OR recognition in the Return to Mayberry movie....which I will discuss next time. 

For a Mayberry fan, it's worth a watch though. 

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