Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Things I hate in church

Wow, what a title huh? Today I wanted to mention a few things of that I can't stand at church:

1) Slow singing

Sometimes the Hymns we sing are so slow I have to take 2 breathes just to finish one line. I usually just give up and let the hymn finish on it's own while I ponder how surprised people are going to be in heaven when they realize that singing a song that slow and sad is not how it was meant to be sung.

I think we'll be a bit quicker and happier while singing next to the pearly gates. At that moment, I'll happily deliver a polite "told you so" after the first verse.

2) The Communion "Race"

At our church the congregation sings a hymn while they pass out communion and the Elders (at least one of them) treats it as a race to get done before the hymn is over. Our first worship service showed sheer panic on the elders as they tried racing through the congregation in time but failing hugely and having to spend more time correcting mistakes then doing it properly.

In the past we've even had our row skipped as the Elders raced back to their seats in the front before the song ended. It looks a little funny to see the look of frustration on one Elders face every time he hears the song ending while attempting to force the congregation through "will power" to hurry up. I've pointed this out to Megan a couple of times who agrees with me, but in the end they shouldn't worry about such a trivial thing.

3) Lack of Hygiene

This doesn't happen anymore now that we're in out new church but back during our "joint" services when we crammed people into one tiny chapel I learned not everyone takes a daily shower and I had to be the one sitting net to them half the time.

Now that we're in a bigger church it's no longer an issue....however....I bet it's not solving the problem for those still refusing to bathe.

Ok, done with whining for today! 

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