Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Starship Troopers 2 Review

So after watching the first one I've decided to go the whole way and watch all 3 movies from this series. As you know, I loved the first one but do the sequels hold up? Let's find out....

Hero of the Federation, focuses on a new group of marines stuck on a planet surrounded by enemy bugs, holding out in a bunker until evac arrives. Sounds thrilling right? This movie is generally panned by fans as being the worst in the series and I might have to agree with that but let me explain first.

The story is simple yet interesting. There's a new "threat" the marines have to deal with that was actually a good idea to put in. And being a direct-to-DVD sequel it wasn't made that cheaply, since they are still plenty of CGI action to it. (more than I expected) Where the movie falls way short on is the acting and the characters.

Now this could be one and the same. The actors sucked. And as a result, their characters suffered too. But I think in general they were pretty bland generic characters that had no intrigue and had been done many times before.

We have the gritty marine who doesn't take kindly to authority, the "hotshot" pilot, "tough as mails: woman, cowardly "middle commander who takes the lead because his superior was gone" character. All things that have been done before in other movies and done better.

BUT....if you can get past that (and see it for free) this one may be worth your time. It was bad, but not bad enough for me to say it was a waste. I'm glad to have seen it.

So, worth your time....but only if you like Starship Troopers.

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