Sunday, February 12, 2017

It's a scary world out there

 Shia may not divide us anymore. The NYP just shut down his cult for good since they were labeled as a "violent" group of individuals who were constantly attacking anyone who disagreed with them. Shia himself was arrested on assault charges as was one of his other "zombie followers". The NYP had to provide constant watch over the group since they were known to instigate violence to whomever disagreed with them.

The horror show is finally over!
Speaking of violent, how come no one is reporting all the other stores that suffered damage during UC Berkley's violent demonstration last week? It didn't stop with the school folks, they burned, smashed and looted the entire block!

Imagine that, these folks preach tolerance but result to violent and destructive intolerance to anyone who disagrees with them. Ironic isn't it?

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