Saturday, October 29, 2016

Walking Dead thoughts

Last week the Walking Dead premiered. And though I voiced my complaints about the last season, I tried going into this season with an open mind.

They failed to impress.

But it wasn't with the story or the character deaths (I guessed who it was months ago) it was the "cash-out" advertising that went into it.

The commercials looked like they were from the Super Bowl. AMC must have charged in the millions because they knew they had a story line that would pull people in to watch LIVE. The commercials had stars selling products and after all that we sat thru a post-show that was longer than the actual show!?

All to cash the money in on viewers and I hated it.

Oh, I'll still watch the Walking Dead. I still believe they can put together a good story this season, but the massive commercialism sell-outs they've become makes me sick.

But at least it ain't "Fear the Walking Dead" right?


Anonymous said...

Last season's finale sucked.

The premiere sucked. To kill off *that* character after what they put us through last season? Despicable. I don't care what happens in the comics.

The show has jumped the shark, if it didn't already. Can they tell a good story? Maybe. Will they? Probably not. I've lost all faith. If I wasn't so invested in the characters, I would have given it up.


kidcardco said...

I agree. The Finale was shameful. I hope for something better this year but also have my doubts.