Monday, July 13, 2015

Mr. Pibb

Mr. Pibb is hard to get in Louisiana and I know what you're thinking. No. It's not a Dr Pepper rip off. It's a great soda that (to my knowledge) is only available in MS.

At least, that's the closest state I know of.

Anyway, my sister-in-law brought me back some and I store it in my fridge like it's gold in Fort Knox. Seriously, I only drink it on special occasions and some weekends. It's like a fine wine for me.

K, just thought I'd mention that today since I'm having one soon and it's been on my mind lately.



Unknown said...

Olkahoma had Pibb if I remember correctly. We have it here in AZ too. And it is a Dr. Pepper knock off, and not as good as Dr. Slice when it was around.

kidcardco said...

Wow! Didn't know that! I'll have to keep an eye out for it if I ever make it back over there again.