Saturday, September 07, 2013

The importance of West End Games

Last week I read a wonderful article in a magazine about the impact Star Wars Role-Playing games played in the Expanded Universe. Here's a few things from it I'd like to share:

1) Rodian, Twi'lek and Ithorian...they invented those names. When West End Games got permission to do Star Wars role playing books they also received the unique honor or creating a lot of the back story of the universe. Most of it, George Lucas considers cannon to his movies as well!

Take Greedo, the bounty hunter who cornered Han Solo in the Cantina in Star Wars. Lucas was calling his race "Greedo's" off stage while the rest of the cast referred to him as the "martian" West End Games (with Lucas' strict observation) got to name a lot of the alien races that Lucas later agreed to name them by.

In the past I told you Zahn received tons of help from the role-playing books when writing Heir to the Empire and not only that but the Clone Wars series has even adopted story lines from these books. It's become the foundation of Star Wars.

The Jedi Code was invented during this era, as was several other vehicle names and abilities. I'm proud to have the whole collection on my book shelves and in the future may even get the ones from Wizards of the Coast. Though I'm not sure if they had any impact on the genre at all.

Either way. I thought this was cool knowledge and wanted to pass it along. Have a great day everybody!

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