Friday, March 23, 2012

Most embarrassing

We all have those movies we're embarrassed to say we've seen. Well I have my top 3 right here:

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

So you're probably saying "What's wrong with this movie?!" Well besides the obvious, nothing but the fact I saw this in theaters... when I was in college! On top of that I remember the movies projector had problems and they turned on the lights in the theater while they worked on it...and everyone got a good look at the only grown-up in the room who was not accompanied by a child. (sigh)

Batman and Robin

I guess ANYONE who saw this movie would say the same but here's the deal; I REFUSED to see this movie until someone offered to pay my ticket and I STILL felt cheated afterwards!!

Terrible movie, I'm so embarrassed I contributed to it making what little money it did. (no Star Wars prequel jokes please)

White Fang 2

I know what you're thinking and yes, this did actually come out in theaters. And yes the story is about a dog who was raised by indians and has his spirit transform him into an eagle at the end of the movie. And YES, I went to it!!

By far this is the most embarrassing movie I'll ever attend. I took out this girl who really wanted to see it and instead of trying to impress her I spent the next few nights scrubbing my eyes to get rid of the horrible story I saw play out on the big screen.

Ok, there. I got it off my chest. I feel better now! How bout you? Any embarrassing movies you'd like to confess to seeing?

I'm all ears...

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