Monday, February 23, 2009

Horror Movies (continued)

Following up on our talk last week about scary movies. I felt there were just a few more to mention before moving on. Yes, The Ring belongs in "scary movies of all time" for me but here's a few more you might enjoy.
More of a suspense than horror. This story was based off of real life historic facts of a huge mental institution in the UK that was shut down in the last 70's after it was discovered they were torturing the patients. Some real creepy moments in the film that's sure to keep your interest till the end.
Once again back to comedy. Shaun of the Dead (as I spoke about last week) is a winner!
Now let's touch on some Stephen Kings Horror movies. There are SO many to talk about I thought I'd just bring out some of the ones that come to mind. Of course we have "The Shining"
And Pet Cemetary....
....The Midst.... which will mess with your head for days after watching it....
And of course "It" Which teaches children never to trust a clown talking to you from the sewer. EEeeeeEEEEewwwwwWWWWWeeeeeWWWeeeeeee!!!!!!

But my #3 pick for "scariest" movie would be the re-made "Dawn of the Dead" Seriously... I saw this movie and I had nightmares for weeks. Good stuff, good stuff!!

That's all for now. C-ya tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

The mist is a stupid movie. It's a little creepy but it's not even worth the money you pay to watch it.

Anonymous said...

The Mist was friggin great!
And props to the mention of Session 9... Everyone I force to watch that movie loves it.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, I just didn't like it. I never saw session 9, but I did tell Matt I'd watch that one.
