Has anyone seen this new hairdo that's popular right now? I mean.... geez to frag, it looks like a the inverse mullet!
Party up front, business in the back!
Seriously, all the poor kids going around with this hairstyle, I really feel sorry for them. First off, they have a hair style which makes them look like faeries, and in 5 years they'll be looking back at themselves saying "What was I thinking!?"
If you have this hair style right now, I do not apologize to you. Cut it. Now. Trust me. You'll thank me later.
Wow, Matt...you're so out of touch...
I was going to get my hair cut like that now that I'm through playing Spats. My hair appointment is right after my appointment to have my eyebrows and nipples pierced and two hours before my tattoo appointment. I'm getting a tribal tattoo...you know, I gotta be representing my tribe.
When are you ever gonna learn? The world is passing you by, Matt. You better get on the train while the getting's good.
Hahahaha I love it because I feel the same exact way. I know we did some weird-ish stuff when we were teenagers but this is ridiculous. How can you be proud of looking like a fairy (perfect description!)??
Especially now, I'm glad I'm not trendy.
I totally agree with you, Matt! I've almost walked up to these 'skater-punk-rock' groups of kids, and been like, "Seriously? Seriously?"
Way to go.
hahahaha. oh man geez to frag is right! When I see people like that I usually don't even know what to say and all that is left to do is laugh at them. lol
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