Tuesday, September 15, 2015

GenCon 2015 (3)

 Here's me playing Twilight Imperium. An incredible game that lasts 8 hours but speeds by so fast you don't even realize it. I really want this game...
 Descent. Another game on my bucket list I was happy to get a chance to play, but with all its millions of expansions, it's way too rich for me to collect!
 A look at the board game library. Over 1800 games to choose from. This is my "happy place" at GenCon.
 The Jurrasic Park board game from 1993. Believe it or not I saw it get rented out to 4 parties that day.
 McDonald's game from 1979. Loved it so much, I bought one on Ebay when I got home!
 Yep, I even played Heart Throb. But they changed it up to where it was a twisted apples to apples. We looked at 4 cheesy 80's posers and had to decide things like "Which one would stiff you on a tip?" and "Who strikes you as a cat person?"

Hilariously good time. Honestly, one of the most fun nights I had that weekend!
The delicious looking burger is where I ate that night and here's a pick on Flip's website of all of us playing.

(sigh) Good times...

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