Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Further down the board game rabbit hole

Hi, I'm Matt and I'm a Board Game nerd.

As a lot of you know, since the Star Wars EU has dried up I've been dipping more and more in to my other hobby...board games.

It started off a few years ago with Zombies!!! by Twilight Creations.

What they call a "gateway" game, because it brought me back into the wonderful world of board games.

I used to play them all the time but never knew how much they'd changed in the years since I played Battleship and Monopoly. Never in my imagination could I have thought there were be so many great games out there!

It all started a few years back when someone broke my X-Box 360.

I was SO mad because that's all I did was play video games.

Now I only use my new one as an expensive DVD player.

Board games have opened my eyes to all the wonderful games that are out there and since the destruction of the EU, it's only grown as a hobby for me now.

I've bought a lot of games this year. But now I think I've reached the mountain of ultimate nerd-dom and claimed the granddaddy board game of them all...Twilight Creations.

This game is the board game to END all board games. Everyone talks about it and hardcore gamers can't stop raving about it being their favorite game of all time. And now I own it.

...and its expansions.

I played it at GenCon and found it AMAZING. I've been sitting on the thought of buying it for months since then and well...now was the time.

So how big is this game you ask?

Well, that's what the base game looks like on a table...and I have 2 other expansions that will take up another table the same size.

Yup, this game is hardly small enough to fit into one room.

It's massive. It has a millions pieces to it. It's the most brilliant game ever invented!

To unpack all 3 boxes took me 4 HOURS!!!!!

Not kidding, Megan was with me the whole time and about 3 hours in she said "I don't think I want to play this game."

Guess I haven't turned her "full nerd" on to board games....yet.

Oh and the average game for this runs 8 hours or more, so if you have a day to spare sometime let me know....so I can start working on the set-up for it the night before.


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