Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Swing

Well this was an obvious choice when talking about playground equipment right? The swing was always a favorite at our playground growing up and you had to wait endlessly for a turn to swing. It got so bad at time that a teacher had to stand out there and tell the kids when your turn was over!

Also our church was the same location as the school so every day after the sermon the kids stared each other down during the benediction. Challenging each other to see who would make it to the playground first to grab the swings.

Pandemonium broke out after the "Amen" as we all went scurrying for a seat. There were only 3 swing on our set and one was made super low (for babies) so we didn't use it. The best was one that was higher than the rest. You got more air on that one and it was everyone's favorite.

It also was the only one I could ride, since I was taller than everyone else and my legs dragged using the other swing. But even the shorter kids made a dash for the high swing. They'd beg for a push (promising their seat afterwards) or started rocking back and forth to get their momentum going. I didn't need a push since my feet were long enough to touch the ground so if I made it on there first no "promises" were given.

I also recall a game where we measured our distance in dismounts from the swing. The person who went the farthest one. It was my favorite game to play as a kid!

Swings came in all shapes and sizes. Starting from the left and moving down you have what I called the "granny" swings since usually my grandmother would rock back and forth on those while we played. Then the baby swings for toddlers, a standard swing and a glider.
Gliders also looked like this and were fun for a little while if you had a partner, but go boring quick. Without a partner on the other end it was basically pointless to even get on them.

Here's another version of the "granny" swings I mentioned earlier. With a resting place for your feet, no kid would find this entertaining!

Lately I have seen newer swings popping up. These look like a disaster waiting to happen. Have 3 kids swinging every which way until one falls off or all three puke. Doesn't seem much fun if you ask me!

Of course there are other swings outside of the ones found on the playground. Tree swings (or what I called "country" swings) let you cover a lot of ground but never got you very high. (unless you had an adult pushing) We used to play on one growing up but I was never too impressed with it.

Some of you have memories of using a tire swing but I never did growing up. No one I knew had one of these. It was something I only see in movies and commercials but never in real life. I can't imagine them being any fun but then again, I've never used one so I wouldn't know.

Next up is of course the carnival swing. I LOVE these! They're so much fun and are really the only thing worth riding in my opinion. I know all the horror stories of these things snapping and sending patrons half way across the parking lot but I never worry when on them.

Don't know why that is, I guess I figure I could survive one if it happened. I dunno. But I've never hesitated to get on them!

Finally is the "thrill ride" swing. Created by some dope who thought he needed more than the simple pleasures a regular swing provides. It takes you up several hundred feet then sadistically drops you and lets you swing above the ground at new heights.

No. Thank. You.

If you see me on one of these call the cops because I've either been kidnapped or forced to get on one so save a family members life. And not any family member, mainly just mom and dad. For someone like Charity? Meh, I'll take my chances she comes out alive on her own!

By the way, if you're doing a search for these swings don't Google "adult swings" you'll get a whole different swing you didn't need to know about.

1 comment: said...

The varieties of swings. Thanks for sharing. :)