Wednesday, January 08, 2025

Outside chance at #1 on the Vintage list

 Today I want to talk about 5 more games on my Vintage list that are on the outside looking in, at being #1 on my list.

The McDonald's Game

Classic game which nabbed the very first #1 spot when I created the list. Since then, it's kicked around and outside the Top 10 but never been able to achieve #1 again. With 5 games being removed from the list, this is almost certainly a Top 10 game but #1? The only chance it has is if I actually get a game going INSIDE an actually McDonald's and even then, it's tough to say if that would work. 


My girls favorite game to play and I love playing with them. That's why it made the Top 10 last year. But #1? I don't know. I admit, playing with my kids is special and this classic is good too but I'm not sure if the 2 of those combined can push this game all the way to the top.


This is my wife's favorite game and its the only game we play as a family. Again, just like Memory. this game has a lot going for it for the same reasons I mentioned earlier. And just like Memory, it has the same things going against it as well. I think this game will be in my Top 10 again, but that's about it. 

Star Wars Duels

This game is GREAT. The only problem is....Queen's Gambit is better. For that reason, #2 is the highest I ever see this one going. I love battle game. So much fun playing characters from the original and prequel trilogy against each other. And the more players, the better! But's no Queen's Gambit. 

Omega Virus

Great coop game that will benefit from the 5 other game which have left but doesn't have a serious path to victory for 2025. It could go as high as making it into the Top 5 but I think the other games I listed previously, can all beat this one. 

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