Monday, September 14, 2020

Bill and Ted Face the Music (Review)

So they finally made it?

Never thought this movie would ever come out and on top of that, I never really wanted it to. But here it is, so let me give you my thoughts. 

I only saw these films 3 years ago and was so-so on them. The 2nd movie is better in my opinion but I'm one of the few who think that. 

Then again, now that Red Letter Media has backed my opinion on the 2nd film I'm sure they'll be more people changing their minds about it. 

This one is more of the same and it's disappointing. I love Reeves but he's completely forgotten who to act in a comedy. The movie DOES have funny parts that weren't in the trailer, which was a relief but in a day where the writers can choose to be way more creative it appears they just wanted to goof around and do more of the same. 

It's not a bad movie if you love Bill and Ted. And it's not a money grab either. It's just a movie that didn't live up to its potential. 


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