Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Star Trek TOS (Review)

Last year our movie theater played Wrath of Kahn so Megan and I went to see it. Like any good Star Trek fan that's worth his dilithium crystals, we re-watched "The Space Seed: episode prior to attending the film to get the back story set up.

It got me wanting to watch the original series all over again. So for the past few months each night I've been watching a few episodes and reliving those memories. Though I was always a bigger Star Wars fan back in the day I did enjoy Star Trek growing up.

My brothers and I would pretend to be the cast and go one adventures in our back yard. My fondest memories were when my Dad would be gone to a late night meeting and Mom would let us sit and eat by the TV while we watched an episode. I still remember which episodes they were upon re-watching the series. Its one of the best memories I had growing up!!

I love the Original Series best, it just feels the most like Trek. I'll be making my way through all of them now after talking to a friend of mine who's also a Trekkie. It's been 10 years since I've down it and now is the time with all the series and movies streaming.

Still not interested in watching Discovery or re-watching the reboot movies so I think I'll stop at Nemesis and that'll be enough. Afterwards, Scotty will just have to beam me up so I can start re-watching a totally new series after this......Stargate perhaps? Hmmmm.....

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