Saturday, June 22, 2013

July Movie review

Hi folks!

It's that time again to talk about upcoming movies for July!

As you know July is full of "blockbuster" hopefuls trying to grab your cash. A perfect example of this is Despicable Me 2. Though the first was was ho-hum it made money. And money (not quality stories) is what Hollywood is all about!

Grown Ups 2. I predict this summer's suicide rate will increase exponentially in response to the opening date of this film.  

Lone Ranger. Congratulations Johnny Depp. You finally made a movie I won't mind missing in theaters.

 Pacific Rim. I know very little about this film so I really can't say that much about it. What I see looks interesting, though the jury's still out on this one.

Red 2. The first one was a popcorn pleaser, I'm sure the 2nd one will be as well.
 R.I.P.D. Hmmm...MIB 3 just came out last year so instead of calling it MIB 4 they opted for a new cast and same old tired story line.

Please see review of Despicable Me 2 and insert the word "Smurfs 2" as the title.

 Believe it or not but the Conjuring looks like a pretty good flick. I'm tired of the same old horror story lines and the fact that this takes place in the 60's is actually appealing to me. Watch the teaser with this scene at the end. You're guaranteed goose bumps at the end.
The Wolverine. (sigh) I'll watch it. The last one was ok, I expect this one to be as well. But these films really have no direction. They don't lead us to a bigger picture. aka, Avenger's really ruined a lot of future super hero films to come. They've set the bar so high that now if it isn't a movie about, Captain America, Thor, Iron Man or Batman. We really don't care that much anymore.

Turbo is another movie I know little about. It's a pixar film but I can't give the a "pass" just because of that. Not everything that comes out of them is gold. (Cars 2 anyone?)

Any other movies I missed? Any opinions that differ from my own? I bet there are....

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