Monday, August 13, 2012

Olympics 2012

This year I can happily say I never saw hardly ANY of the 2012 Olympics atr all. I'm sorry but I can't get excited on things like water polo and gymnastics. Let's be honest, you wouldn't watch diving or swimming either if it was, say...the US championships would you? Nah, I thought not.

In the past I used to enjoy it a lot but now I just don't see what the hype is all about. I just know based on random news events I've read about that I don't like Lulu Jones. She sounds like a crybaby to me.Some other US won Gold instead of her and all she wants to talk about is the "unfair" negative press she's received?!  Give me a break!

PS- I don't plan on watching "Shark Week" on Discovery Channel either!

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