Monday, May 02, 2011

Obama Bin Laden

Since EVERYONE's been making a big stink over this lately, I've decided to go ahead and chime in my thoughts.

He's dead. Big whoop. Why weren't we able to find him sooner? My thought is we did we just didn't do anything about it till now.

Why now? Well, why not? Obama's running for re-election and really REALLY needs something to motivate American's into thinking he's done a great job so far.

So he was President when Osama got capped.... yippie. He's also been our President who's dragged us blindly into debt, kept the unemployment rates high and still doesn't have an answer for why gas prices are so high. (just like good ole G.W.)

I hate to say it but when I see news like this now I can't help thinking it's a smoke screen for something else. Bin Laden was a bad dude, no denying that but we have much bigger problems in the US right now than him.

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