Sunday, January 17, 2010

Some days I just don't get it

Hey, did you see the new Avatar film yet?

It's in 3-D!

I didn't.

I just don't know what it is about this movie but I have absolutely NO desire to see it... ever.

Yes, I've heard everyone tell me how good it is.

Yes, I'm a sci-fi nut.

This movie holds no interest to me whatsoever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know, sometimes you just have to trust your friends, and James Cameron, and see it on faith. The visuals are MIND-BLOWING, and anyone who is a TRUE fan of movies and/or sci-fi would see it. I mean, seriously, are you that concerned about 10 bucks and 2 and a half hours of your life? You've never seen anything like it, I promise you.
