Monday, December 14, 2009

Game Shows to die for...

As a kid I always wanted to be on the Bozo Show competing in the ping pong ball game for a chance to win a "swin" bicycle! But what other games did I want to be on? Let's see....

Fun House premiered on the very young FOX station way back in the day. (1988) Two teams competed for a chance to run through an enormous fun house to win multiple prizes. JD Roth (my hero at the time) was the host in this awesome kids show.

I don't even have to explain why on this one because you all wanted on this show as well. Double Dare was THE game show for me back when I was a kid. I remember Jeremy, Bray and I would play this in the backyard with the neighborhood kids. I LOVED this game..... and Mark Summers..... he was Superman back in the day.

Oh to be slimmed while running through a zaney course that consisted of jumping in a pool and sliding into a giant banana split. What a time!!

Any other game shows pique your interest back in the day? Do tell?


Anonymous said...

I liked nickelodeon's "Legend of the Hidden Temple" and "Guts"

kidcardco said...

Legend of the Hidden Temple!! I couldn't remember what that show was called, but yes, another good show indeed!

Anonymous said...

yeah i liked those too and i also liked figure it out.
