Saturday, October 10, 2009

So Megan had this idea of a costume for me this year. She wants me to go as Peter Pan and herself as Wendy.

Not gonna happen.


Because my friends, Peter Pan.... is a Man Fairy.

Yes it's true and we've all known it for years I'm just the one to say it out loud.

Look at this pic.... Pan and Tinker Bell. Two fairies, yucking it up.

I'm not kidding. It's evident in any picture you see.

Look, here he's telling Wendy "Whoa lady! NO touchie of the Man Fairy! Back Off!!
I mean, look at who's played Peter Pan in the past. Mary Martian for one.... oh yeah, he looks real manly here now doesn't she?

Let's look at a few others...
"Take that back Wendy-Bird! I'm the prettiest fairy in all the land. And I have this leaf sash to prove it!"

Guy or Girl folks? You decide.
Hey I got an idea. Let's give him muscles to make him look fit.

Hmmmm... maybe without the tights and sissy elf shoes.

This is what nightmares would look like if they were real.


If this guy floated into my bedroom window I'd be wetting my pants for months!

This is too scary. Let's just see at what a real costume would look like on a man shall we?
I rest my case.


Anonymous said...

no, that is a really bad costume (the last one). They have one for men that does not involve tights, and you could so pull it off!


kidcardco said...

Still in denial....

Isaiah Eyre said...

You should go as Christopher Walken.

Anonymous said...

Wait a sec. Peter Pan is a man fairy. Megan thinks this would be a perfect costume for you. I fail to see the disconnect here...


Lizziebeth said...

Hey, Russ and I were Raggedy Andy and Raggedy Ann one year. Y'all want us to send those costumes to you? If you do give in to love and do the Peter Pan thing, POST PICTURES.

Chad Blackmon said...

Steven, you MUST go as Peter Pan! After being Indiana Jones, Peter Pan is the obvious choice for a followup.