Friday, April 04, 2008

Wonky (6)


Anonymous said...

That was great! Thanks for the laughs Matt! : )

Emily said...

This is one of my favorites!

pard1959 said...

Thanks for adding to my personal lexicon of sayings. I'm going to start using that as my new mantra!

Q: What's the weather like?
A: Ching, ching, chow!

Q: Do you like my new dress?
A: Ching, ching, chow!

Q: Where do you want to eat today?
A: Ching, ching, chow!

Thanks, Matt...and ching, ching, chow.

Kimber said...

I want Chinese food for life!!! MMMmMmMMM

Anonymous said...

hahaha I just thought how funny it would be for a Chinese person to say, " I want 'American' food for life" hee hee =)